Thursday, January 18, 2007

Free Day Off

How is it Thursday already? That is what I love about 4 day work weeks! Time just flies into the weekend again. On our Monday off James & I did something that we rarely do together….NOTHING!! (Okay, James got up to let the plumber in, we had a leaky pipe that needed to be replaced, but James sat on the couch & just answered questions for them.) I stayed in bed & watched TV until the plumber left at 10, ‘cause I was making sure the guard dog didn’t get the plumber. But after that I moved onto the couch where James and I took turns cleaning out the DVR- Sidebar- I LOVE the DVR, like Tivo thing. It really helps out here on the west coast where your last hour of primetime TV comes at 10:00 pm. I can just set the DVR and then watch it when I get home from work the following day or on Saturday. But, I have noticed that now James has taken a liking to the DVR as well. So when I go & check what we have recorded in the last couple of days I have noticed A LOT of things from the Military channel. Yep, lots and lots of 1 hr programming on aircraft. And it is not like he will watch them when I am out of the house….he wants us to experience it together. It was pretty funny when watching one said program that half way through I pointed out “I’ve seen this one before. James, we have watched this one before.” He assured me that we had not…and then I told him what happened next. You guessed it, I was right, either he had forgotten or tricked me on purpose. CRAZY! - END SIDEBAR- I fixed lunch for the both of us and then more DVR. Snuck in a nap during James’ choice of movie “The Brothers Grimm”, & picked “The Wedding Date” as my movie and watched as James took his turn with napping. I fixed a delicious bowl of cereal for dinner & back to DVR again. Then off to bed. Yep, I did nothing, didn’t even get out of my pjs. I saw no other person than James for the whole day. The funny thing is that James, who I think gave himself food poisoning the day before, kept feeling bad for not doing anything all day and would have moments where he expressed these thoughts about how we should be doing something with this FREE day off, but they just remained thoughts. In my mind, we were doing exactly what you are supposed to do with a day off. I would like to personally thank our Government for having the foresight into creating National Holidays & Banking Institutions for granting time off to their employees to enjoy these holidays as they see fit. Now if they would only make St. Patrick’s Day a National Holiday I would be set!
See you tomorrow blog,

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